Whether reading the book club books in Texas or Mexico, the books are always compelling.
I had the wonderful opportunity to drop in & visit my friends with the Round Rock New Neighbor Book Club this afternoon. They were discussing the David Liss novel: The Coffee Trader. Some may be familiar with the author's award winning book: A Conspiracy of Paper. I just haven't read the novel yet~being English language book deprived in Mexico. However this is certain to change as I now have a copy to read the earliest opportunity. The Coffee Trader does sound like an engrossing read with many twists & turns. I also have the September book: The Devil's Highway, true story by Luis Alberto Urrea. It was great to see so many of the women today although our fearless moderator Frank Campbell was not in attendance. He was on a much needed vacation in Hot Springs~reading something good I am sure... Okay, Frank. Could it be a mystery perhaps??
No photo for Frank was available so I had to improvise & use my favorite Frank....old blue eyes himself. Sorry Frank C, you weren't there & I had to make do!!! Missed seeing you but it was a good discussion (& the coffee, of course was outstanding).
Sounds like a good book - a Conspiracy of Paper was very good!
I guess you do have your computer here! How else could you have processed the photo and sent it? Aren't we cute, though! It would be interesting if you would send us your feelings about The Devil's Highway!
I will. The topic as you know should be quite applicable for where I am living. I was glancing at it tonight. Looks interesting.
Oh, how I love seeing my Dee in our local Barnes and Noble!
How I love being there!
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