In a path that took her from Texas to Alaska my Mom gave her daughters the strength to go full speed ahead in life~
She taught us to take the middle path between the head and the heart.
My Mom & all the women in our family before her shaped & molded our lives without ever knowing it!
Five Mom facts! Some family factoids, little known...
1. She is 1/2 Irish~don't make her mad!!! Quite possible truest statement about all Harrington women.
2. She is an awesome seamstress but very rarely ever dressed me & my sister alike when we were kids. Whew!!!!
3. She has always been very calm under pressure. My sister was bitten in the head by a Bengal Tiger when she was 9 years old & Mom kept her cool. I on the other hand didn't believe it until my mother confirmed the story! She was a seemingly very calm Mother at the time!
4. She was a very young, hip mom when I was in grade school driving a maroon Plymouth Barracuda around San Antonio, Texas. Sure, she would have been way cooler without 2 kids in the back seat~but that was my Mom!!!
5. She holds her own against snakes & other critters that come her way out on the ranch in Knippa~ and is a regular Annie Oakley with a 12 gage shotgun! *again, this probably falls in the don't make her mad category!!!
And finally! We love her & don't want her to change one little bit!
You have given the rest of the women in our family quite a path in life to follow.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom aka: Mimi!
A family of head strong women!! Mom & Nana passed on some great Harrington & Hamilton genes!
what a nice mother's day post!
you know, if your mom never made you and your sister wear matching dresses....why did you torture us so???
i'm just teasing, we miss you and love you, happy mothers day!
Only 2 times in your life...
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