Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tomato Mexi~tizer!

The fresh vegetable selection in Mexico is an incredible & endless variety. I made this Appetizer with a diary product found in Mexico called Jocoque. Jocoque has a flavor like sour cream but is almost as thick as cream cheese. Lebanese in originit is reported to have health benefits similar to yogurt. Certainly cream cheese can be substituted if you cannot find Jocoque in a Latin or Mexican market

Jocoque & cheese stuffed tomatoes
3/4 cup Shredded Monterrey Jack or Chihuahua cheese
1/2 cup Jocoque, (cream cheese will be fine but less of a true flavor)
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley, reserve extra leaves for garnish
1/2 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 Tbsp. Mayonnaise

Mix above ingredients together, chill & prepare tomatoes for stuffing. Use 12 small vine ripe tomatoes, slice off top, core tomato with melon ball tool & then rest upside down on paper towel to drain remaining juice 5 to 10 min. Stuff with cheese mixture & garnish with parsley.

*The tomatoes I used were about 2 inches in diameter~


Hornsfan said...

Looks yummy, we may have to make that while you are home.

Dee said...

sounds like a plan.

Nancy said...

That looks really good. What would happen if you used cilantro instead of the parsley? I love cilantro.

Unknown said...

You just keep coming up with these wonderful dishes to share with us. One of these days when you come back and are able to have bunce in the US home, then you can share all of your Mexican sishes with your Bunco friends. This one looks really yummmmyyyy too!!
I agree with Nancy....Cilantro would be very yummy too in the Mexi-tizer. Yo te deseo que todo es muy bueno contigo y con su familia.

Dee said...

Voy a cocinar para que en cualquier momento mi amigo, Mary.