There are times when the last leg of a visit can be the most exciting...such was the case for Flat Stanley's stay in Torreon! While he felt smarter for having visited places of culture like Mercado Juarez & the American School in Torreon it was his quick brush with a certain Torreon horse which will be unforgettable!
The Horse & Donkey carts are a common enough site in Torreon that a brief visit with Flat Stanley seemed safe enough. But certain bad tempered horses are not fit for greeting out of town guests!!! Carolyn & Flat Stanley almost lost some appendages over the brief encounter. Note the angry looking horse face & the distance Carolyn is standing from the irritable equine! Of interest also is the fact that the horse owner was standing close by to threaten the horse had he taken more than a few nips at Carolyn & Flat Stanley! Pesos in hand the owner & cranky horse were soon trotting away much to the relief of Flat Stanley who looked like he broke a sweat over the whole experience. It was a dangerous job Carolyn had escorting Flat Stanley through the daily routine in Torreon. He won't soon forget his visit in Coahuila or a certain golf outing at Montebello. Flat Stanley, what a guy!! Carolyn Gass, what an aunt!
Well, this is the final note on Flat Stanley. He did make one more tour around Torreon before taking his trip home to Peoria, Illinois. My dear friend Carolyn really is the "Aunt of the Year" for her efforts South of the Border making certain that Flat Stanley had a great visit! Safe travels Flat Stanely!!
For more information on the Flat Stanley Literacy project got to:
How did our poor flat Stan the paper man fare going through airport security? That, in itself, could be an adventure for human and paper replica alike!
Hasta la vista plano Stanley!
Ten un bien tiempo!
man, flat stanley got more press coverage than me, jk and chris when we came to visit!
Well what can I say, Flat Stanley is quite the little celebrity!! He did take some risks too as you can see!! He traveled the through airport security via a nice padded envelope in my purse since I was escorting him back to the states. Then, he took the U.S. mail service to Peoria. Nothing but the best for Flat Stanley!!!
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