Between travel & our trip home for some much needed home repairs & painting we ended our Summer on a very busy note. At one point in during the full scale painting & sheetrock work our crew was threatening to quit...my rudimentary Espanol came in handy then. Yes, I have picked up a few things living here in Mexico. (It's called Tex-mex for a reason!) I could see the handwriting on the wall & made nice with the painters each morning giving them encouragement & breakfast. We did have time with our 2 favorite girls but it was work, work & more work while we were in Texas. The "honey do" chores continue but once again we are back in Mexico~
The "Home" project has made us do some weeding out & going through 27 years of things somewhere between family "stuff" & junk. The up side to painting is that everything feels fresh & new once it is all put back in place. We are still getting there...

Since returning to Mexico I am once again keeping busy creating, cooking & doing what we do here South of the Border. This Chutney is excellent with Chicken, Lamb or Pork. It has a little more bite than a Major Grey's Chutney. Enjoy~
Spiced Mango Chutney
2 lbs chopped ripe mango
2 cups tart green apple, chopped
1 small red onion, diced
1 clove garlic, diced finely
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1 small fresh jalapeno, diced & seeded
2 cups mascabedo sugar (raw sugar)
1 cup dried cranberries, soaked in boiling H2O
1/2 cup crystallized ginger, diced
1/2 tsp. mustard seed
Place all ingredients except Ginger & Cranberries in large dutch oven. Bring to low boil & lower heat to simmer. Cook Mango mixture for 30-45 minutes until the fruit is bubbly & rich golden color. Add the diced Ginger & drained Cranberries into the mixture. Immediately ladle Chutney into sterile pint or half pint jars, seal & close immediately. Process 15 minutes in hot water bath. Remove, cool jars & store.